Saturday, September 29, 2007

Protestant Reformation and the Age of Discovery

There are many world changing events in history, although not very many as important as the Protestant Reformation. After one man, Martin Luther, stood up and took actions on what he knew was right, so many people were affected for every generation since. It sparked the Age of Discovery and is ultimately the reason for the rise in exploration, eventually leading to the discovery of America.

Here is a list of a few ways the Protestant Reformation affects us now:
1. It led to the development of many new denominations
2. It brought about nationalism
3. it brought about devotion moderna
4. It made a way for humanism

The age of Discovery is a period from the 15th to the 17th century where explorers during which European ships traveled around the world in search of new trading routes and partners to feed burgeoning capitalism in Europe. They also were in search of trading goods such as gold, silver and spices. This affected the world by opening up new lands and people unknown to them before. It brought back all types of new spcies and other foods. it was founded in technologies and ideas from the Renaissance. It led to Columbus finding the new world.

Here is a list of ways the age of Discovery affects us today:
1. It brought about the discovery of ''The New World'' which we obviously live in today

The precursors of the Protestant Reformation and the Age of Discovery were things like the Renaissance, the journey of Marco Polo, unrest with the Roman Catholic church, etc. The Renaissance had brought new ideas that were slowly disregarding feudalism, coming out of the fear of the plague somewhat, and changing the economic system of Europe. Marco Polo's journey and the increase in the expeditions to Asia from Europe revived an interest and connection with the rest of the world, especially through trade. Lastly and most importantly, people were not satisfied with the Roman Catholic. There were already several groups such as the waldensians and the Anabaptists that were and had seperated from the Roman Catholic church. Men like John Wycliffe and William Tyndale were involved in the Reformation and were the ones preparing the way for the Protestant Reformation. Not to mention Martin Luther. Besides this, nationalsim had begun to rise amongst the people, dividing them not only in language, but also soon beliefs and colonization. The time had come for change and discovery.

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